Computer Shortcut Keys.
Shortcut keys help provide a simpler and speedier technique for exploring and executing commands in the computer software. Shortcut keys are performed by using the Ctrl key, or Shift key in conjunction with another key, Alt key (on IBM compatible computers), Command (on Macintosh or apple computers,).
Keep it in mind that when it is written as “Ctrl+S”, then it is telling you to press and hold the Ctrl, and then press the S both at the same time.
Table of Contents
Some Basic shortcut keys for PC
Shortcut Keys | Description |
Alt+F | To File menu options in current program. |
Alt+E | To Open Edit options in current program. |
Alt+Tab | To Switch between open programs. |
Ctrl+Home | To Goes to beginning of the document. |
End | To Goes to end of the current line. |
F1 | To View help information (F1 is used by almost every Windows program to display help). |
F2 | To Rename a selected file. |
F5 | To Refresh the current program window. |
Ctrl+D | To Bookmarks the current page in most Internet browsers. |
Ctrl+N | To Create a new or blank document in some software, or open a new tab in most Internet browsers. |
Ctrl+O | To Open a file in the current software. |
Ctrl+A | To Select all text. |
Ctrl+B | To Change selected text to be bold. |
Ctrl+I | To Change selected text to be in italics. |
Ctrl+U | To Change selected text to be underlined. |
Ctrl+F | To Open find window for current document or window. |
Ctrl+S | To Save current document file. |
Ctrl+X | To Cut selected item. |
Shift+Del | To Cut selected item. |
Ctrl+C | To Copy selected item. |
Ctrl+Ins | To Copy selected item |
Ctrl+V | To Paste |
Shift+Ins | To Paste |
Ctrl+Y | To Redo last action. |
Ctrl+Z | To Undo last action. |
Ctrl+K | To Insert hyperlink for selected text. |
Ctrl+P | To Print the current page or document. |
Home | To Goes to beginning of current line. |
Ctrl+End | To Goes to end of document. |
Shift+Home | To Highlights from current position to beginning of line. |
Shift+End | To Highlights from current position to end of line. |
Ctrl+Left arrow | To Moves one word to the left at a time. |
Ctrl+Right arrow | To Moves one word to the right at a time. |
Ctrl+Esc | To Open the Start menu. |
Ctrl+Shift+Esc | To Open Windows Task Manager. |
Alt+F4 | To Close the currently active program. |
Alt+Enter | To Open the properties for the selected item (file, folder, shortcut, etc.). |
Some Shortcut keys for Keyboard
Ctrl+A | To Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line. |
Ctrl+B | To Moves the cursor backward one character. |
Ctrl+C | To Cancels the currently running command. |
Ctrl+D | To Logs out of the current session. |
Ctrl+E | To Moves the cursor to the end of the line. |
Ctrl+F | To Moves the cursor forward one character. |
Ctrl+H | To Erase one character. Similar to pressing backspace. |
Ctrl+P | To Paste previous line(s). |
Ctrl+R | To Allows you to search for a previously used command or switch. |
Ctrl+S | To Stops all output on-screen (XOFF). |
Ctrl+Q | To Turns all output stopped on-screen back on (XON). Also, closes an application window. |
Ctrl+U | To Erases the complete line. |
Ctrl+W | To Delete the last word typed. For example, if you typed mv file1 file2, this shortcut would delete file2. |
Ctrl+Z | To Cancels the current operation, moves back a directory or takes the current operation and moves it to the background. See bg command for additional information about background. |
Ctrl+Alt+D | To Minimizes all application windows and shows the desktop. |
Ctrl+Alt+L | To Locks the screen. |
Ctrl+Alt+T | To Opens a new terminal window. |
Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down arrow | To Switches between workspaces (if you are a power user and use workspaces). |
Alt+F2 | To Open the console to run a command (must be a power user). |
Arrow Up/Down | To Scroll through previously used commands. |
Some shortcut keys for special characters in PC
Shortcut Keys | Special Character |
Alt+0224 | For à |
Alt+0198 | For Æ |
Alt+0231 | For ç |
Alt+0191 | For ¿ |
Alt+0232 | For è |
Alt+0236 | For ì |
Alt+0242 | For ò |
Alt+0241 | For ñ |
Alt+0228 | For ä |
Alt+0128 | For € (Euro currency) |
Alt+0162 | For ¢ (Cent symbol) |
Alt+0163 | For £ (British Pound currency) |
Alt+0165 | For ¥ (Japanese Yen currency) |
Alt+0246 | For ö |
Alt+0252 | For ü |
Alt+0248 | For ø |
Alt+0223 | For ß |
Alt+0176 | For ° (degree symbol) |
Alt+0177 | For ± (plus/minus symbol) |
Alt+0153 | For ™ |
Alt+0169 | For © |
Alt+0174 | For ® |
Shortcut keys For Microsoft Word
Shortcut | Description |
Ctrl+0 | To Toggles 6pts of spacing above the paragraph. |
Ctrl+A | To Select all contents of the page. |
Ctrl+B | To Bold highlighted selection. |
Ctrl+C | To Copy selected text. |
Ctrl+D | To Open the font preferences window. |
Ctrl+E | To Aligns the line or selected text to the center of the screen. |
Ctrl+F | To Open find box. |
Ctrl+I | To Italic highlighted selection. |
Ctrl+J | To Aligns the selected text or line to justify the screen. |
Ctrl+K | To Insert a hyperlink. |
Ctrl+L | To Aligns the line or selected text to the left of the screen. |
Ctrl+M | To Indent the paragraph. |
Ctrl+N | To Opens new, blank document window. |
Ctrl+O | To Opens the dialog box or page for selecting a file to open. |
Ctrl+P | To Open the print window. |
Ctrl+R | To Aligns the line or selected text to the right of the screen. |
Ctrl+S | To Save the open document. Like Shift+F12. |
Alt+F, A | To Save the document under a different file name. |
Alt+X | To Show the Unicode code of a highlighted character. |
Ctrl+T | To Create a hanging indent. |
Ctrl+U | To Underline the selected text. |
Ctrl+V | To Paste. |
Ctrl+W | To Close the currently open document. |
Ctrl+X | To Cut selected text. |
Ctrl+Y | To Redo the last action performed. |
Ctrl+Z | To Undo last action. |
Ctrl+Shift+L | To Quickly create a bullet point. |
Ctrl+Shift+F | To Change the font. |
Ctrl+Shift+> | To Increase selected font +1pts up to 12pt and then increase font +2pts. |
Ctrl+] | To Increase selected font +1pts. |
Ctrl+Shift+< | To Decrease selected font -1pts if 12pt or lower; if above 12, decreases font by +2pt. |
Ctrl+[ | To Decrease selected font -1pts. |
Ctrl+/+C | To Insert a cent sign (¢). |
Ctrl+’+ | To Insert a character with an accent (acute) mark, where is the character you want. For example, if you wanted an accented é you would use Ctrl+’+e as your shortcut key. To reverse the accent mark, use the opposite accent mark, often found on the tilde key. |
Ctrl+Shift+* | To View or hide non printing characters. |
Ctrl+Left arrow | To Moves one word to the left. |
Ctrl+Right arrow | To Moves one word to the right. |
Ctrl+Up arrow | To Moves to the beginning of the line or paragraph. |
Ctrl+Down arrow | To Moves to the end of the paragraph. |
Ctrl+Del | To Deletes word to right of cursor. |
Ctrl+Backspace | To Deletes word to left of cursor. |
Ctrl+End | To Moves the cursor to the end of the document. |
Ctrl+Home | To Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document. |
Ctrl+Spacebar | To Reset highlighted text to the default font. |
Ctrl+1 | To Single-space lines. |
Ctrl+2 | To Double-space lines. |
Ctrl+5 | To 1.5-line spacing. |
Ctrl+Alt+1 | To Changes text to heading 1. |
Ctrl+Alt+2 | To Changes text to heading 2. |
Ctrl+Alt+3 | To Changes text to heading 3. |
Ctrl+Alt+F2 | To Open new document. |
Ctrl+F1 | To Open the Task Pane. |
Ctrl+F2 | To Display the print preview. |
Ctrl+Shift+> | To Increases the selected text size by one font size. |
Ctrl+Shift+< | Decreases the selected text size by one font size. |
Ctrl+Shift+F6 | To Switches to another open Microsoft Word document. |
Ctrl+Shift+F12 | To Prints the document. |
F1 | To Open help. |
F4 | To Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+). |
F5 | To Open the Find, Replace, and Go To window in Microsoft Word. |
F7 | To Spellcheck and grammar check selected text or document. |
F12 | To Save As. |
Shift+F3 | To Change the text in Microsoft Word from uppercase to lowercase or a capital letter at the beginning of every word. |
Shift+F7 | To Runs a Thesaurus check on the selected word. |
Shift+F12 | To Save the open document. Like Ctrl+S. |
Shift+Enter | To Create a soft break instead of a new paragraph. |
Shift+Insert | To Paste. |
Shift+Alt+D | To Insert the current date. |
Shift+Alt+T | To Insert the current time. |
Mouse shortcuts | Description |
Click, hold, and drag | To Selects text from where you click and hold to the point you drag and let go. |
Double-click | To selects the complete word. |
Double-click | Double-clicking on the left, center, or right of a blank line makes the alignment of the text left, center, or right aligned. |
Double-click | Double-clicking anywhere after text on a line sets a tab stop. |
Triple-click | To Selects the line or paragraph of the text where the mouse is triple-clicked. |
Ctrl+Mouse wheel | To Zooms in and out of document. |
Shortcut keys For Microsoft Excel
Shortcut | Description |
Tab | To Move to the next cell, to the right of the currently selected cell. |
Ctrl+A | To Select all contents of a worksheet. |
Ctrl+B | To Bold all cells in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+C | To Copy all cells in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+D | To Fill down. Fills the cell beneath with the contents of the selected cell. To fill more than one cell, select the source cell and press Ctrl+Shift+Down arrow to select multiple cells. Then press Ctrl+D to fill them with the contents of the original cell. |
Ctrl+F | To Search current sheet. |
Ctrl+G | To Go to a certain area. |
Ctrl+H | To Find and replace. |
Ctrl+I | To Puts italics on all cells in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+K | To Inserts a hyperlink. |
Ctrl+L | To Opens the Create Table dialog box. |
Ctrl+N | To Creates a new workbook. |
Ctrl+O | To Opens a workbook. |
Ctrl+P | To Print the current sheet. |
Ctrl+R | To Fill right. Fills the cell to the right with the contents of the selected cell. To fill more than one cell, select the source cell and press Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow to select multiple cells. Then press Ctrl+R to fill them with the contents of the original cell. |
Ctrl+S | To Saves the open worksheet. |
Ctrl+T | To Open the Create Table dialog box. |
Ctrl+U | To Underlines all cells in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+V | To Pastes everything copied onto the clipboard. |
Ctrl+W | To Closes the current workbook. |
Ctrl+X | To Cuts all cells in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+Y | To Repeats the last entry (redo). |
Ctrl+Z | To Undo the last action. |
Ctrl+1 | To Changes the format of the selected cells. |
Ctrl+2 | To Bolds all cells in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+3 | To Puts italics all cells in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+4 | To Underlines all cells in highlighted section. |
Ctrl+5 | To Puts a strikethrough all cells in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+6 | To Shows or hides objects. |
Ctrl+7 | To Shows or hides the toolbar. |
Ctrl+8 | To Toggles the outline symbols. |
Ctrl+9 | To Hides rows. |
Ctrl+0 | To Hides columns. |
Ctrl+Shift+: | To Enters the current time. |
Ctrl+; | To Enters the current date. |
Ctrl+` | To Changes between displaying cell values or formulas in the worksheet. |
Ctrl+’ | To Copies a formula from the cell above. |
Ctrl+Shift+” | To Copies value from cell above. |
Ctrl+- | To Deletes the selected column or row. |
Ctrl+Shift+= | To Inserts a new column or row. |
Ctrl+Shift+~ | To Switches between showing Excel formulas or their values in cells. |
Ctrl+Shift+@ | To Applies time formatting. |
Ctrl+Shift+! | To Applies comma formatting. |
Ctrl+Shift+$ | To Applies currency formatting. |
Ctrl+Shift+# | To Applies date formatting. |
Ctrl+Shift+% | To Applies percentage formatting. |
Ctrl+Shift+^ | To Applies exponential formatting. |
Ctrl+Shift+* | To Selects the current region around the active cell. |
Ctrl+Shift+& | To Places border around selected cells. |
Ctrl+Shift+_ | To Removes a border. |
Ctrl++ | To Insert. |
Ctrl+- | To Delete. |
Ctrl+Shift+( | To Unhide rows. |
Ctrl+Shift+) | To Unhide columns. |
Ctrl+/ | To Selects the array containing the active cell. |
Ctrl+\ | To Selects the cells with a static value or don’t match the formula in the active cell. |
Ctrl+[ | To Selects all cells referenced by formulas in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+] | To Selects cells that contain formulas that reference the active cell. |
Ctrl+Shift+{ | To Selects all cells directly or indirectly referenced by formulas in the highlighted section. |
Ctrl+Shift+} | To Selects cells which contain formulas that directly or indirectly reference the active cell. |
Ctrl+Shift+| (pipe) | To Selects the cells within a column that don’t match the formula or static value in the active cell. |
Ctrl+Enter | To Fills the selected cells with the current entry. |
Ctrl+Spacebar | To Selects the entire column. |
Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar | To Selects the entire worksheet. |
Ctrl+Home | To Move to cell A1. |
Ctrl+End | To Move to last cell with text on the worksheet. |
Ctrl+Tab | To Move between Two or more open Excel files. |
Ctrl+Shift+Tab | To Activates the previous workbook. |
Ctrl+Shift+A | To Inserts argument names into a formula. |
Ctrl+Shift+F | To Opens the drop-down menu for fonts. |
Ctrl+Shift+O | To Selects all of the cells that contain comments. |
Ctrl+Shift+P | To Opens the drop-down menu for point size. |
Shift+Insert | To Pastes what is stored on the clipboard. |
Shift+Page | To In a single column, highlights all cells above that are selected. |
Up | |
Shift+Page | To In a single column, highlights all cells above that are selected. |
Down | |
Shift+Home | To Highlights all text to the left of the cursor. |
Shift+End | To Highlights all text to the right of the cursor. |
Shift+Up Arrow | To Extends the highlighted area up one cell. |
Shift+Down Arrow | To Extends the highlighted area down one cell. |
Shift+Left Arrow | To Extends the highlighted area left one character. |
Shift+Right Arrow | To Extends the highlighted area right one character. |
Alt+Tab | To Cycles through applications. |
Alt+Spacebar | To Opens the system menu. |
Alt+Backspace | To Undo. |
Alt+Enter | To While typing text in a cell, pressing Alt+Enter moves to the next line, allowing for multiple lines of text in one cell. |
Alt+= | To Creates a formula to sum all of the above cells. |
Alt+’ | To Allows formatting on a dialog box. |
F1 | To Opens the help menu. |
F2 | To Edits the selected cell. |
F3 | To After a name is created, F3 will paste names. |
F4 | To Repeats last action. For example, if you changed the color of text in another cell, pressing F4 changes the text in cell to the same color. |
F5 | To Goes to a specific cell. For example, C6. |
F6 | To Move to the next pane. |
F7 | To Spell check selected text or document. |
F8 | To Enters Extend Mode. |
F9 | To Recalculates every workbook. |
F10 | To Activates the menu bar. |
F11 | To Creates a chart from selected data. |
F12 | To Save As option. |
Shift+F1 | To Opens the “What’s This?” window. |
Shift+F2 | To Allows the user to edit a cell comment. |
Shift+F3 | To Opens the Excel formula window. |
Shift+F5 | To Brings up a search box. |
Shift+F6 | To Move to previous pane. |
Shift+F8 | To Add to selection. |
Shift+F9 | To Performs calculate function on active sheet. |
Ctrl+F3 | To Open Excel Name Manager. |
Ctrl+F4 | To Closes current window. |
Ctrl+F5 | To Restores window size. |
Ctrl+F6 | To Next workbook. |
Ctrl+Shift+F6 | To Previous workbook. |
Ctrl+F7 | To Moves the window. |
Ctrl+F8 | To Resizes the window. |
Ctrl+F9 | To Minimize current window. |
Ctrl+F10 | To Maximize currently selected window. |
Ctrl+F11 | To Inserts a macro sheet. |
Ctrl+F12 | To Opens a file. |
Ctrl+Shift+F3 | To Creates names by using those of either row or column labels. |
Ctrl+Shift+F6 | To Moves to the previous worksheet window. |
Ctrl+Shift+F12 | To Prints the current worksheet. |
Alt+F1 | To Inserts a chart. |
Alt+F2 | To Save As option. |
Alt+F4 | To Exits Excel. |
Alt+F8 | To Opens the macro dialog box. |
Alt+F11 | To Opens the Visual Basic editor. |
Alt+Shift+F1 | To Creates a new worksheet. |
Alt+Shift+F2 | To Saves the current worksheet. |
Some Shortcut keys for Microsoft FrontPage
Shortcut | Description |
Ctrl+C | To Copy selected text. |
Ctrl+X | To Cut selected text. |
Ctrl+P | To Paste selected text. |
Ctrl+K | To Create a hyperlink. |
Ctrl+B | To Bold highlighted selection. |
Ctrl+I | To Italic highlighted selection. |
Ctrl+U | To Underline highlighted selection. |
Ctrl+L | To Left align the text. |
Ctrl+R | To Right align the text. |
Ctrl+E | To Center the text. |
Ctrl+/ | To Turn on or off the display of HTML tags. |
Ctrl+S | To Save document. |
Ctrl+Tab | To Switch between open web pages. |
Ctrl+Ins | To Enter Line break. |
Ctrl+Enter | To Move cursor above or below a table. |
Ctrl+Shift+B | To Preview in web browser window. |
Ctrl+Shift+< | To Decrease font size. |
Ctrl+Shift+> | To Increase font size. |
Ctrl+Del | To Deletes word to right of cursor. |
Ctrl+Backspace | To Deletes word to left of cursor. |
Alt+mouse double-click | To View the properties of a selected item. For example, doing this on a table cell would display the properties for that cell. |
Some Shortcut keys for Microsoft Outlook
Shortcut | Description |
Alt+S | To Send the e-mail |
Ctrl+Enter | To Send the e-mail you’re composing. |
Ctrl+C | To Copy selected text. |
Ctrl+X | To Cut selected text. |
Ctrl+P | To Open the Print window. |
Ctrl+K | To Complete the name or e-mail being typed in the e-mail field if found in the address book. |
Ctrl+B | To Bold highlighted selection. |
Ctrl+I | To Italic highlighted selection. |
Ctrl+M | To Send and receive all e-mail. |
Ctrl+Q | To Mark selected e-mail as read. |
Ctrl+U | To Mark selected e-mail as unread. |
To Underline highlighted text (within an e-mail message). | |
Ctrl+R | To Reply to an e-mail. |
Ctrl+F | To Forward an e-mail. |
Ctrl+N | To Create a new e-mail (when in the Mail section). |
To Create a new appointment in your calendar (when in the Calendar section). | |
Ctrl+Y | To Go to folder. |
Ctrl+Shift+A | To Create a new appointment in your calendar (from any section of Outlook). |
Ctrl+Shift+O | To Open the Outbox. |
Ctrl+Shift+I | To Open the Inbox. |
Ctrl+Shift+K | To Add a new task. |
Ctrl+Shift+C | To Create a new contact. |
Ctrl+Shift+J | To Create a new journal entry. |
Ctrl+Shift+V | To Move e-mail to folder. |
Some Shortcut keys for Google Chrome
Shortcut Keys | Description |
Alt+Home | To Open your homepage. |
Alt+Left Arrow | To Back a page. |
Alt+Right Arrow | To Forward a page. |
F11 | To Display the current website in full-screen mode. Pressing F11 again will exit this mode. |
Esc | To Stop loading the page or a download from loading. |
Ctrl+(- or +) | To Zoom in or out of a page, “-” will zoom out and “+” will zoom in on the page. |
Ctrl+1-8 | To Pressing Ctrl and any number 1 through 8 moves to the corresponding tab in your tab bar. |
Ctrl+9 | To Switch to last tab. |
Ctrl+0 | To Reset browser zoom to default. |
Ctrl+Enter | To This combination is used to quickly complete an address. For example, type “allsol” in the address bar and press Ctrl+Enter to get |
Ctrl+Shift+Delete | To Open the Clear browsing data window to quickly clear private data. |
Ctrl+Shift+B | To Toggle the bookmarks bar between hidden and shown. |
Ctrl+A | To Select everything on a page. |
Ctrl+D | To Add a bookmark for the page currently opened. |
Ctrl+F | To Open the “find” bar to search text on the current page. |
Ctrl+O | To Open a file in the browser. |
Ctrl+Shift+O | To Open the Bookmark manager. |
Ctrl+H | To Open browser history in a new tab. |
Ctrl+J | To Display the downloads window. |
Ctrl+K or Ctrl+E | To Moves your text cursor to the omnibox so that you can begin typing your search query and perform a Google search. |
Ctrl+L, Alt+D | To Move the cursor to the browser address bar and highlight everything in it. |
Ctrl+N | To Open New browser window. |
Ctrl+Shift+N | To Open a new window in incognito (private) mode. |
Ctrl+P | To Print current page or frame. |
Ctrl+R or F5 | To Refresh the current page or frame. |
Ctrl+S | To Opens the Save As window to save the current page. |
Ctrl+T | To Opens a new tab. |
Ctrl+U | To View a web page’s source code. |
Ctrl+W | To Closes the current tab. |
Ctrl+Shift+W | To Closes the currently selected window. |
Ctrl+Shift+T | To This combination reopens the last tab you’ve closed. If you’ve closed multiple tabs, you can press this shortcut key multiple times to restore each of the closed tabs. |
Ctrl+Tab | To Moves through each of the open tabs going to the right. |
Ctrl+Shift+Tab | To Moves through each of the open tabs going to the left. |
Ctrl+Left-click | To Open a link in a new tab in the background. |
Ctrl+Shift+Left-click | To Open a link in a new tab and switch to the new tab. |
Ctrl+Page | To Open the browser tab to the right. |
Down | |
Ctrl+Page | To Open the browser tab to the left. |
Up | |
Spacebar | To Moves down a page at a time. |
Shift+Spacebar | To Moves up a page at a time. |
Home | To Go to top of page. |
End | To Go to bottom of page. |
Alt+Down Arrow | To Display all previous text entered in a text box and available options on a drop-down menu. |
Some Shortcut keys for Internet Explorer
Shortcut Keys | Description |
Alt | To Displays the File/Edit/View menu bar at the top. |
Alt+Left arrow | To Back a page. |
Backspace | To Back a page. |
Alt+Right arrow | To Forward a page. |
F5 | To Refresh current page, frame, or tab. |
F11 | To Display the current website in fullscreen mode. Pressing F11 again will exit this mode. |
Esc | To Stop page or download from loading. |
Ctrl+(- or +) | To Increase or decrease the font size. Pressing ‘-‘ decreases and ‘+’ increases. |
Ctrl+Enter | To Quickly complete an address. For example, type the address bar and press Ctrl+Enter to get |
Ctrl+D | To Add a favorite for the page currently opened. |
Ctrl+I | To Display available bookmarks. |
Ctrl+N | To Open New browser window. |
Ctrl+P | To Print current page or frame. |
Ctrl+T | To Opens a new tab. |
Ctrl+U | To Open debugger to view a web page’s source code. |
Ctrl+F4 | To Closes the currently selected tab. |
Ctrl+Tab | To Moves through each of the open tabs. |
spacebar | To Moves down a page at a time. |
Shift+Spacebar | To Moves up a page at a time. |
Alt+Down arrow | To Display all previous text entered in a text box or available options on drop-down menu. |
Alt+D | To Highlights the text in the address bar. |
Some Shortcut keys for Mozilla Firefox
Shortcut Keys | Description |
F5 | To Refresh current page, frame, or tab. |
F11 | To Display the current website in fullscreen mode. Pressing F11 again will exit this mode. |
Esc | To Stop page or download from loading. |
spacebar | To Moves down a page at a time. |
Alt+Home | To Open your homepage. |
Alt+Down arrow | To Display all previous text entered in a text box and available options on drop-down menu. |
Alt+Left arrow | To Back a page. |
Alt+Right arrow | To Forward a page. |
Ctrl+(- or +) | To Increase or decrease the font size, pressing ‘-‘ decreases and ‘+’ increases. Ctrl+0 resets back to default. |
Ctrl+A | To Selects all text. |
Ctrl+B | To Open the Bookmarks in a sidebar, to view all bookmarks in Firefox. |
Ctrl+C | To Copies selected text. |
Ctrl+D | To Add a bookmark for the page currently opened. |
Ctrl+E | To Move the cursor to the search box. |
Ctrl+F | To Access the Find option, to search for any text on the currently open web page. |
Ctrl+G | To Advance to the next result of a search performed with Ctrl+F. Press Ctrl+Shift+G to return to a previous search result. |
Ctrl+H | To View browsing history in sidebar. To open the history in a window press Ctrl+Shift+H. |
Ctrl+I | To Display the Page Info window about the web page currently being viewed. |
Ctrl+J | To Display the download window. |
Ctrl+K | To Move the cursor to the search box. |
Ctrl+L | To Move cursor to address box. |
Ctrl+N | To Open New browser window. |
Ctrl+O | To Access the Open File window to open a file in Firefox. |
Ctrl+P | To Print current page or frame. |
Ctrl+T | To Opens a new tab. |
Ctrl+U | To View a web page’s source code. |
Ctrl+F4 or Ctrl+W | To Closes the currently selected tab. |
Ctrl+F5 | To Refresh the page, ignoring the Internet cache (force full refresh). |
Ctrl+Enter | To Quickly complete an address. For example, type the address bar and press Ctrl+Enter to get |
Ctrl+Tab | To Moves through each of the open tabs. |
Ctrl+Shift+Del | To Open the Clear Data window to quickly clear private data. |
Ctrl+Shift+H | To Open the history in a window instead of a sidebar like Ctrl+H. |
Ctrl+Shift+J | To Open the Browser Console to troubleshoot an unresponsive script error. See:How to fix an unresponsive script error. |
Ctrl+Shift+O | To Open Other Bookmarks in a separate window. |
Ctrl+Shift+P | To Open a new private browsing window. |
Ctrl+Shift+T | To Undo the close of a tab. |
Ctrl+Shift+W | To Close the Firefox browser window. If multiple tabs are open in the Firefox window you’ll get a prompt before Firefox closes. |
Shift+Spacebar | To Moves up a page at a time. |
Some Shortcut Keys for YouTube
spacebar or the K key | To Play and pause a video |
0 (zero) key or Home Key | To Jump to start of a video |
End key | To Jump to the end of a video or go to the next video |
F Key | To Switch the video to full-screen or theater mode |
C Key | To Turn on or off closed captions and subtitles |
up or down arrow keys | To Turn up and down the volume |
Skip or jump in the video |
Fast forward or rewind | |
If you want to fast forward or rewind in increments of five seconds, press the left or right arrow keys. If you need to jump more than five seconds, press the J key to rewind ten seconds or press the L key to fast forward 10 seconds. |
Skip to video sections | |
Pressing the number keys from 1 to 9 seeks (jumps) to that percentage of the video. In other words, 1 jumps to 10%, 2 jumps to 20%, 3 jumps to 30%, etc.v |
Change video playback speed.
To decrease the playback speed of a video, hold down the Shift and press the , (comma) key. | |
To increase the playback speed of a video, hold down the Shift and press the . (period) key. |
Some shortcuts for Command line
Shortcut Keys | Special Character |
~ | To Moves to the user’s home directory. |
!! | To Repeats the line last entered at the shell. |
!$ | To Repeats the last argument for the command last used. See history command for previous commands. |
reset | To Resets the terminal if the terminal screen is not displaying correctly. |
shutdown -h now | To Remotely or locally shuts the system down. |
Some Shortcut keys for Apple Macintosh
Open Apple+Shift+G | To Takes a snapshot of the screen and saves it to a PICT file. |
Command+A | To Select all text and objects. |
Command+B | To Change selected text to boldface. |
Command+F | To Open the Find window. |
Command+I | To Italicize the selected text. |
Command+P | To Open the Print dialog window. |
Command+U | To Underline the selected text. |
Command+Shift+P | To Open the Page Setup window, to change document parameters. |
Command+Shift+control+3 | To Capture screenshot of current screen and save to the Clipboard |