Cloud Formation Definition
Formation of Clouds
Have you ever wondered how clouds form? Or where do they originate? With the fun project offered below, you can get answers to your queries!
How Are Clouds Formed?
A cloud is a floating mass of ice crystals or water drops in the atmosphere. When water condenses in the sky, it forms a cloud. Water vapours are always present in the sky, but they are invisible to us. When an area of air becomes cooler, the water vapour there condenses to liquid form, forming clouds. The air is said to be saturated with water vapours at this point. We’ve included an experiment below to help you better understand how clouds arise. You can give it a shot at home!
Cloud Formation Experiment
Experiment with Cloud Formation
The main goal of this experiment is to concentrate on cloud creation using a few common household items.
The main goal of this experiment is to concentrate on cloud creation using a few common household items.
Food colouring in the colour blue
A transparent jar
Cream for Shaving
a container filled with water
Take a small jar or a cup and fill it halfway with water. Fill the container with water until it is three-quarters full.
Shaving cream should be applied to the top.
Wait until the shaving cream has completely settled on the water’s surface.
In a separate bowl, mix together a few drops of food colouring and a few drops of water.
Fill a dropper or pipettes with it.
The real experiment now begins.
Simply drop the colours on the cloud with these droppers.
The creation of cloud could now be seen. It will begin to rain once the cloud has been filled with water.
Clouds are nothing more than condensed water vapour masses that reveal the workings of atmospheric systems. By collecting infrared radiation and dispersing solar radiation, clouds manage the earth’s energy balance. Clouds also redistribute extra energy from the equator to the poles, as well as returning water to oceans and landmasses.