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On this website you will get the latest study materials, as well as updated news and all relevant information for all boards of education, college admissions, entrance exams, and Government job Exams. Here on this page you can get direct link for NCERT Book, NCERT Solutions, CBSE Latest Sample Papers, Previous Years Question Papers, CBSE Updated Syllabus, Detailed Chapters of Grammar, Essays, Letters, Applications, Updated Date Sheet of all classes , Results of board classes and CBSE & NCERT Related current NEWS on daily basis, which are important for teachers as well as for students. Our Motivational Quotes for school board duty section is appreciated by many of our permanent users. By clicking on the link provided below you will directly land on that page , from where you can Read books of all subjects as well as can download it too. NCERT BOOKS and NCERT SOLUTIONS in both JPG and PDF form are available.
Latest CBSE Sample Papers
Previous Years Question Papers
Learn English with Us
In the Modern world where every next person is full of mind-blowing ideas, the person who has great communications skills and has excellent command on his language especially in English, Conquers.
Group discussion refers to a communicative situation that permits its participants to share their perspectives, insights, views, and opinions with other participants. it is a systematic exchange of information, perspectives and conclusions about a topic, problem.
Communication skills are the abilities of a person which he uses while giving and receiving different kinds of information.The goal of effective communication is to convey a message with the intention of informing, inspiring or questioning, with the message fully understood by the recipient.
Nowadays, Presentation skills are required in almost every field, and most of us are required to give presentations on different occasions. While some people take in their stride, others find it much more challenging.
Public speaking is the process or act of performing a speech to a live audience. Traditionally, it was considered to be a part of the art of persuasion.
Personality development helps Us to get positive thoughts, confidence, behavioural traits, etc. Most of the people think that personality leads to physical appearance of the person, some thinks if anyone has a good physical appearance he has a best personality. This is totally wrong inner personality always matter first.
Role play is a session where students have to act out & perform the role of someone. it helps students gaining confidence & take out the stage fear of a Learner.
Learn with us
Our Team of Experts are in the process of making Online course for our users, it will be free for our subscribers.
Our computer course will cover all the basic to advanced level Modules. This course intends to familiarise you with PCs and Microsoft Windows, while learning fundamental PC, mouse and keyboard skills, with shortcut keys in a strong study environment.
it is a collection of Techniques and Sutras to solve Mathematical Arithmetics in easy and faster way. It consists of 16 Sutras (Formulae) and 13 sub-sutras (Sub Formulae) which can be used for problems involved in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, conics.
This section is there to provide you all details regarding SSC exams , with that we are also working to provide you all the essential study material for it.
This section is there to provide you all details regarding all Banking exams – like IBPS, RRB,SBI, RBI,NABARD, etc. with that we are also working to provide you all the essential study material for it.
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We Bring, what you wanted
Since 2012, we are helping Students of different Schools and Classes. Experience Years of Teaching & Helping Students taught us about their needs. We Understand what & when they exactly want. Therefore, this Bond between us makes us even more Stronger.
Preparations for Exams
In our Preparation for exam section, one can easily find latest CBSE Sample papers, Previous years papers, all time Important questions, Important Key-Points, Summary & formulas of each chapter.
Free Education for All
Through this website we are trying to provide free study material for CBSE BOARD & NIOS Students. E-books & their solutions in jpg format as well as in pdf format are available to view and download on this site.